Everything under the sun

We all have a lot to say. I do too. Life everyday throws up so many issues and surprises that it is hard to keep up. So it is all about grabbing a few moments and making it last. Sharing such moments is the only way of making them special. So here is a platform to talk your mind on issues that touch us everday. Lets keep it simple but alive. A spot under the sun!


An Autumn leaf describes me best. Mellowed with passing years. Experienced life in its many shades and hues. Always appreciated human values and strong character. A staunch believer in human bonds and relationships. Marvel at life always coming up with the unexpected. Imagine myself drifting like a leaf through life, stopping at places only to see or learn and then move along to another experience. Drifting, allowing life to take me along its course. Love humour and smiling faces. Try to learn from experiences and people. On a more "everyday" plane, I am a good administrator, maybe a trifle over concerned with things! Have a simple moto : Life is to be lived and change is the only constant factor.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Mine is a feeble voice, perhaps it will never be heard. But it is my voice and I want to speak. Please allow me to be alive. Just why should mine and like me a million other voices be thwarted? It is again a step to create ripples just to keep up the image that a lot is being done. Time's up I feel. Own up to flaws and plug the right loop holes. Ask the common man and he will show you the way.

Personally, this is my little window. Small joys, sorrows, laughter and tears are all that I have strung together. Loved to see the counter rolling even if it was a lone click on a day, it told me somebody had stopped by and perhaps read a few of my thoughts. Each comment I treasure for it only made me go back to my writing board with that extra zest!

More than all of this, I enjoyed reading the blogs of other keen bloggers. It made me laugh, think and even learn.

Just why may I ask must I be deprived of this?

Can I hear you reply "... come on you are used to living without proper drinking water, electricity for most part of the day! What great shakes is it if you live without blogs, huh?"


You just turned me into a WITHERED LEAF and maybe my epitaph will never get written.


Blogger Tip said...


Just thought you might check out my blog. It is after a long time that I have written.

the minus crisp shirts guy

7:26 PM  

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