Everything under the sun

We all have a lot to say. I do too. Life everyday throws up so many issues and surprises that it is hard to keep up. So it is all about grabbing a few moments and making it last. Sharing such moments is the only way of making them special. So here is a platform to talk your mind on issues that touch us everday. Lets keep it simple but alive. A spot under the sun!


An Autumn leaf describes me best. Mellowed with passing years. Experienced life in its many shades and hues. Always appreciated human values and strong character. A staunch believer in human bonds and relationships. Marvel at life always coming up with the unexpected. Imagine myself drifting like a leaf through life, stopping at places only to see or learn and then move along to another experience. Drifting, allowing life to take me along its course. Love humour and smiling faces. Try to learn from experiences and people. On a more "everyday" plane, I am a good administrator, maybe a trifle over concerned with things! Have a simple moto : Life is to be lived and change is the only constant factor.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Some Pictures And A Perfect Holiday - 1

We were to head westwards for our holidays but on the eve of our journey we decided to go northwards, to see the Himalayas!

As our car began its winding journey, this is what we found! A lone tree lending colour and happiness to an entire green background. We knew the magic had begun.

Misty mountains and pine trees, the journey had just begun. Enchanting is not a wrong word to use here. The journey was getting ethereal.

Soon the mighty snow clad peaks were visible. Abode of the Divine. Stretching for miles. The dazzle of the sun was blinding but we just gaped in awe at its majesty.

An alternate means of transport! Horse rides are an integral part of any hill station. The tall trees and the tiny winding road with a few travellers made a perfect picture I thought. It was a different world as if time stood still here. No rush, no hurry. Only nature in its full glory. Posted by Picasa

Some Pictures And A Perfect Holiday - 2

How about these for a ride to school? Yak is worshipped here but seldom much thought is given before cutting off its tail because it means instant money. When will we realise that everyone has a right to live!

An effort to freeze a fleeting moment. For a change I will let the picture do the talking. Do not miss the cut stem and no, I did not say it was for the dining table vase!

My favourite garden lined with flowers. Have spent a few afternoons walking around reflecting if life can indeed be lived sitting on a wooden bench in such pristine settings!

The cool breeze and the mighty Himalayas as a backdrop, this to me was certainly the closest I could get to the Garden of Eden.
No, I did not paint the sky with my colours. This is what greeted us after a stormy night! Spellbound we could only click with our camera to carry it back with us.

Do you think we can get this shade in our paintbox? Even if we do, where are we to get a canvas of this magnitude?

Nature never ceases to surprise us, we just need the eye to see it.

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Some Pictures And A Perfect Holiday - 3

"The hills were alive with the sound of music...". We heard it. The breeze making its way through the leaves, the lonely bird, the unknown chatter, the silence, everything made music. A divine composition. We just stood and heard in rapt silence.

Oh there were sighs too. We felt it. Trees standing, waiting to be sacrificed in the name of development. A jarring note indeed.

We left the hills carrying with us its majestic glory.

Truly Himalayas.

We finally reached the western city where we have a home. This is the road that leads to our apartment. The green arch that the trees form is such a welcoming sight. Soon it will be flame orange as the boughs break into blossom.

This is the view of the skyline from our balcony.
Lots of high rises have mushroomed in the last few years, heralding in a new culture. Be it the hills or towns destruction, sorry, development is inevitable.

Holidays are fleeting as the morning mist. Precious perhaps for the same reason. Posted by Picasa

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